Thursday, April 7, 2011


"A likable Miami police forensics expert moonlights as a serial killer of criminals whom he believes have escaped justice."

So, I know most if not all of have once thought, "If I can kill so and so, how far would it take me to not get caught". Not implying anyone here is a serial killer but just for shits and giggles. Dexter has the potential to take over that thirst for knowledge. Dexter has it all, the plot twist and  an amazing acting with an incredible story to back up. The show has been running for 5 seasons and will be back with a 6th. 

                                    Heres a 9 min trailer to the first season. Enjoy 


  1. Fully anticipating the next season, currently the best show on t.v imo.

  2. I actually lost interest after the end of the 2nd after they derailed from the original novel and thought it was dead before it even finished the 3rd season. Christ! Now I have a butt ton of watching to do.

  3. seriously the best serie ever. Have watched all episodes definately going to watch season 6

  4. awesome serie this is so unusual recommend it to all

  5. This is my favorite series of all time! I only watched the first two seasons so far, but I just got the first DVD of the third season from Netflix so I am amped!

  6. Definitely my favorite drama/crime show!

  7. Just finished season 1, it's awesome.

  8. Dexter is amazing, Season 3 wasn't too great though, was kind of a filler season.

  9. A friend recommended Dexter to me. He compared it to the Death Note anime, and he wasn't far off. It's really great. I think it's on netflix?

  10. fuck, i cant wait 4 the 6 season!!

  11. dexter is a great show. i can watch a season at a time without leaving the couch haha maybe im just lazy

  12. Maybe the best show on TV. Trinity is such a hilariously awesome man.

  13. Ive had a couple friends of mine tell me i need to check this out. ive seen bits and peices of a few episodes and it's peaked my interest somewhat. i'll have to check this out soon.

  14. heard of it, still never seen it >.>

  15. A forensics guy that kills people. what's not to like?

  16. Nice, I haven't watched this show before but I have heard many people talk about it. I might check it out though

  17. I'm not sure if I should start watching this show, a lot of people have said about how good it is (also about House), so maybe I should watch it.

  18. it's really well made... just started watching the fourth season

  19. i know a lot of people that like this show but i never really got into it. i guess i could check out some more of the episodes when i get chance. i did like that trailer you posted...

  20. Dexters so good. watch it all the time on netflix! straming porfavore!

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